
SkillPod Media Monstagon v.1.02 s60v5 S^3 Signed puzzle games download

giftailor0009 SkillPod Media Monstagon v.1.02 s60v5 S^3 Signed puzzle games download
You will see a board consisting of a number of adjacent hexagons. You play Monstagon against an opponent, and each of you has three monsters placed at the corners of the board. The aim is to multiply your pieces and to remove your opponents. You do this by clicking on a monster. An overlay of allowed landing places is displayed. Click on a hexagon to place a new monster there. If you place a monster adjacent to any of your opponent`s monsters in Monstagon they will change colour and become yours, and vice versa. The winner is the player whose monsters cover the majority of the board when it is full. You will see a count of your and your opponent`s scores on the bottom. Good luck! 

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